Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Have you ever heard a bustard sing?

You haven't? Great! Listen to it here! (yes, the site is in Russian. But you can't really miss the two audios there. In the first it's just the bird, in the second there's some added music ).
I'll be honest, I suspected that to be an act of trolling. But, turns out the birds really do sound that way! As you can see in the video here (which is also in Russian. Scroll to about 1:40 to hear the birds)
Mr DeathPwny was the one who gave me the link.

Yeah yeah. It's the wrong bustard. but this one looks so much cooler!
Photo by FriendFrog


  1. Holy shit, these are awesome birds! Move over, owls, my list of awesome birds has a new leader.

    1. Awesome! I'm always happy to help people discover the beautiful things in the world!
